- Sept. 3 - Burkard Hillebrands - TU Kaiserslautern
"Spin waves in magnetic rings: linear and nonlinear properties, non-local damping" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 3 - Renata Swirkowicz - Faculty
o Physics, Warsaw University of Technology
spin-transfer torque in magnetic
tunnel junctions" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 3 - Wim Van Roy - IMEC, Leuven
"Spin transfer torque point contacts and nanopillars" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 3 - Julie Grollier - CNRS/THALES Palaiseau
"Phase locking of a spin transfer oscillator to an external microwave current: a milestone for the synchronization of a large assembly of STOs" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 4 - Mathias Klaeui - Fachbereich Physik, Universitaet Konstanz
"Current induced domain wall dynamics" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 4 - Ursula Ebels - Spintec Grenoble
"Large angle steady state precessions induced by a perpendicular polarizer"
- Sept. 5 - Russell Cowburn - Imperial College, London
"Domain wall propagation in
artificially structured nanowires" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 5 - Hideo Ohno - Laboratory for Nanoelectronics and Spintronics, Tohoku University
"Current-induced magnetization switching for next generation integrated
circuits" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 5 - Vitalii Dugaev - Dept. of
Mathematics and Applied Physics,
Rzeszow University of Technology
spin and Hall effect" [ABSTRACT]
- Sept. 5 - Takashi Kimura - Otani Laboratory, ISSP, University of Tokyo
"Manipulation of spin
and spin Hall effects in metallic systems" [ABSTRACT]
Sept. 3 - Annerose Helmer - Université Paris-Sud, Orsay
"Quantized spin wave modes in magnetic tunnel junctions"
Sept. 4 - Fernando Castano - Department of Material Science and Engineering, MIT
"Domain wall configurations in multilayer magnetic rings" [ABSTRACT]
Sept. 4 - Damien McGrouther - Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Glasgow
"Observation of domain wall behaviour in nanowires by Lorentz TEM" [ABSTRACT]
Sept. 4 - Lior Klein - Nano-magnetism Research Center, Bar-Ilan University
"Current-induced manipulation of domain-walls in SrRuO3" [ABSTRACT]
Sept. 4 - Nicoleta Lupu - NIRDTP, Iasi, Romania
"Single and multilayerd magnetic nanowires for spintronics. Preparation and characterization"
Sept. 5 - Clair Baraduc - SPINTEC, CEA/CRNS, Grenoble
"Spin transfer torque and thermally assisted ferromagneticresonance in magnetic tunnel junctions"
- Sept. 5 - Pawel Grybos - Department
Measurement and Instrumentation AGH UST Cracow
"Low Noise Mix-Mode
Integrated Circuits for Micro-sensor readout" [ABSTRACT]
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